July 01, 2012

Failure to Success

Well I don't want to say that the last round I did of the 12wbt was a failure, it was however, not as successful as I had hoped for. I mean just by looking at this blog you can see how much I neglected it and there are a few reasons to that. It was very early on in the round that I started having issues with my body, I already had issues with my body in regards to wanting to change it but these issues were medical. It all started when I came home from work doubled over in pain crying to my partner. I had severe pain in my stomach and my doctor wanted tests done straight away because she thought I may have cysts on my ovaries....

After the test results came back everything was clear but I was still in pain. My nutrition went out the window, I wasn't exercising because I was in so much pain. I then started to get a sharp stabbing pain in my shoulder blades and in my upper body. I went back to a different doctor this time who said to me "I think you may have gallstones." Now I knew nothing about gallstones but a quick jump on google 20mins later made me realise I REALLY did NOT want these things!!! I went for tests which confirmed that I had a 11mm gallstone in my gallbladder. Now I am only 24 years old, I have lost a significant amount of weight and they say that gallstones ususally affects woman who are over 40, have fair skin and who are overweight. Then I found out why i have gallstones, it was hereditary, my nanna had it, my cousin had it. I actually have too much calcium in my blood.

I had to be booked in for surgery, my whole gallbladder was to be removed because of the high calcium in my blood I would just keep reproducing the stones. The surgery is common but still I was worried as hell. I had to stick to a low fat diet, because any fat makes the gallbladder inflamed and causes an immense amount of pain. I actually ended up losing weight and this is why I say round 1 was not a complete failure. I just didn't feel 100% successful because I was unable to exercise. I had to wait 3 months until I could get the gallstone removed. My partner and I had an in joke and called my gallstone Gary which actually caught on with my family and colleagues as well. Gary was a pain in the bum! The pain, nausea etc... well I wouldn't wish it upon anyone!

Nearly 5 months in total, from the time i first noticed the pain. It is amazing I have held it together. It is so hard not being able to go to the gym when all i wanted to do was run!

A week ago, Gary was removed! He had some friends in there with him. He grew from 11mm to 15mm, no wonder I was in so much pain! I am on the road to recovery but am unable to lift anything heavy for 6 weeks!! I am hoping I will be ready to go by the time the 3rd round starts.

I have joined this round to keep me on track, because lets face it after 5 months of not working out I need someone to give me a kick up the bum. I dont think I am going to need that though, being sick for so long really makes you appreciate things a lot more, and I sure do appreciate being fit and healthy.

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