July 03, 2012


Change.... it's inevitable right! Then why is it so hard to do? I'm sitting here thinking about how I am actually going to complete these 12 weeks without falling off the wagon. It is a very daunting process to commit to not only yourself but your family, friends and MICHELLE BRIDGES! My problem is, is that I go full throttle at the beginning and then I seem to loosen the reigns a bit come week 3 or 4. My weight doesn't come off as quick as I would like to and suddenly that block of chocolate is looking pretty good....

This time I am setting myself up for success, I am doing all of the pre-season tasks, having a positive outlook on my journey and really giving it 100% (not just bullshitting that I will). I want to have a tight toned body that I can be proud of. This is the perfect round for me to do. After being sick for over 4 months and having an operation where I am told I can't lift anything for 6 weeks, this round fits in perfectly. I am not going to lie, it feels as though everything has been falling apart from not being able to go to the gym. I miss wearing my lorna jane workout clothes and feeling that sense of accomplishment when I burn 500 calories. It is hard to have such a burning desire to go to the gym and not be able to go.

 I think I have relied too much on other people to achieve success, this is my journey and I am nobody elses responsibility. I need to learn to say no and realise the power behind it;
- NO to sitting on the couch and watching tv because it is too cold outside
- NO to eating too much of foods that are supposed to be treats
- NO to passing the blame onto someone/something else as to why I did not lose weight this week

Losing weight is change but it is also like Michelle Bridges is holding a huge mirror up in front of you to show you not only who you are, but how you are responsible for the decisions you make and every decision turns you into the person you are. So if I look into the mirror right now I see someone who is determined, optimistic yet scared at the same time. My challenge is not just about losing weight, it is about finding myself again and learning to love myself again.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Beck. Love the attitude. Hope you reach all the goals you have set yourself. I know the feeling of the 3-4 week hiatus. Am at week 4 now and this program seems to have me more focused and I am really enjoying exercising again even though it is cold. Good luck. Will check in as the program progresses.
