September 09, 2012

Pre-season Tasks still playing a major role!

Having done previous rounds of the 12wbt before I have always completed my pre-season tasks. The pre-season tasks are tasks to get your prepared for the 12 weeks that are approaching. They include

1. Get real - which has you outline all of your excuses and write down solutions for them
2. Set your goals - the goals that you want to achieve along your journey.
3. Gear up - making sure you have all the right equipment ready to aide your success
4. Say it out loud - saying your commitment to the universe!

5. Kitchen Makeover - throwing out all of the unhealthy food in your house
6. Organise and Diarize - organising your workouts and eating plans
7. Fitness Test - to see what level you are going to start off at for the program
8. Measure up - taking all of your measurements

ALL of these tasks are confronting, and I can see now why Mish says that all of these tasks are important for your success. I believe that the problem I had in the past was that I was great at completing all of these tasks but I never went back and revisited them. They were like an essay that you write for english but you never really go back and read it do you?! I realise now that I have to make these tasks a part of my whole journey not just something to get me ready for my journey.

Get real is the one that I find I am reaching for now more than ever. I even placed my excuses smack bang in the middle of my inspiration board. I make all of these excuses but what good are they saved on my computer and not put up right in front of my eyes so that I can revist it everyday!! I have gotten sick and that was one of my major excuses that when this happens everything falls out the window and depression mode sets in and yup you guessed it that is exactly what has happened. I predicted it and I put it in my pre-season tasks yet when I got sick I didn't go back and read what to do, I just went back to what I always do.

I guess what I am trying to get at is that it is all becoming clear to me now, how important all of these elements are and how they are not only important at the beginning of your journey but all the way through. Even if you have not been struggling go back and revisit those excuses and solutions and the other pre-season tasks to keep you accountable and on task!

In my get real I decided to take on board Michelle's tough love approach... here is what I wrote.....

1) I’m too tired
2) I’m not motivated
3) Everytime I try I fail or something gets in the way so why bother?
4) I’m too unfit
5) I will fail and disappoint myself and all of my family
6) I have just spent the entire day at work and I am too exhausted/can't be bothered to do a work out

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MOTIVATION! Put your shoes on and get out there now! You don't want to exercise, well too bad. You want a hot body and you need to do the work to get it! Don't let the past hold you back, everyone has made mistakes. Stop being so hard on yourself look at how far you have come! You have lost 20kgs! I know it seems hard after a long hard day at work but think about how you will feel when you are at the finish line! Get out there and do it!

1) I am too busy
2) It is too hot /cold
3) Id rather go out for a drink and catch up with friends

Are you serious! Look at these excuses, they are ridiculous! The approach you are taking is all wrong. By the time you get to the gym it will be nice and warm/air conditioned inside for you to train. Seriously, drink with friends? Let's not let all of our hard work go out the window now, your celebratory drink is waiting for you at the finish line, not now where it could easily be your downfall. Too busy? Too busy to get a fantastic butt and sexy abs... I don't think so! GET TO THE GYM NOW!

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